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We are university students researching the effects of multi-tasking technology on todays tweens through twenties generation! Please leave us a comment if you are interested in our efforts, have insights, or subscribe to our posts by email so you can follow and contribute to our research! We hope you will join us and point us in the direction of interesting academic work being done in this multi-tech-tasking matter! Thanks for blogging by!

Saturday 15 February 2014

What am I spending my time on?

Through this blog I hope to learn more about how I am spending my time. I am on the computer frequently doing homework assignments, catching up on social media (Pinterest is my absolute weakness), learning what is happening in the world, and just wasting time on mindless activities. Is what I am doing actually good for me or is there something that I could be doing instead? I challenged myself this week to pay attention to how I am spending my time. I wanted to learn if I was doing things that I was proud of or things that I would not want people to know how much time I spent. I realized that I spend about 5 hours a week on Pinterest alone. I believe that Pinterest is by far my greatest addiction. Throughout the week I realized that every morning, afternoon, and night I am getting on there to see what new things people have pinned. Don’t get me wrong I believe that Pinterest is one of the greatest inventions ever but is it really as important as I make it out to be? Am I using this site as a tool or as cover for who I am and want to be? While searching the web about Pinterest addiction I came across an article written in the Washington Post. This is an exceptional article on how the website got started and where it is today. It was originally designed for middle class women. Really when you think about it, it is an excellent idea to have a website that allows you to find information on a certain topic from all over the web. It makes it easy to find recipes, places to go, cleaning tips, etc. This article is raising the question that is Pinterest really a great thing or is creating a monster inside of women? “The bulletin boards are simple, clean spaces filled with cool pictures of food, crafts, travel spots, home remodeling and decorating ideas, fitness tips, hairstyles, furniture, architecture, kid projects, cute animal photos, cheeky sayings and wedding plans. It’s the photo scrapbook of hopes, dreams and desires for grown-ups, mostly those of the female persuasion. And that raises the question of whether that’s actually a healthy thing for grown women to be spending time compiling a virtual hope chest.” (Dvorak, 2012) This article was fantastic and eye opening for me. If you are like me and are also addicted to Pinterest, you should read this article.

Dvorak, P. (2012, February 20). Addicted to a Web site called Pinterest: Digital crack for women. The Washington Post. Retrieved from http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/addicted-to-a-web-site-called-pinterest-digital-crack-for-women/2012/02/20/gIQAP3wAQR_story.html


  1. Pinterest is a good site to identify - particularly for women who may not related to cyber addiction and think it is a male issue.
    Cheryl (logged in on my husband's computer at the airport)

  2. I'm not addicted to Pinterest, but I can see how it can be so addicting. This was a great article to read. Thanks for the post


Multi.tech.tasking POLL

Please contribute to our research by answering the following questions! If you have insights or suggestions please leave us a comment on a recent post.

How many hours do you spend on media/technology per day?

What is your age?

Do you use more than one mode of media/technology at a time (multi.tech.tasking)?

Do you use media/technology while studying?

Do you believe that media/technology use while studying is distracting?

Does social media and technology affect interpersonal communication and relationships?